
Sample Essay | Contact Me
Contact Me
Narrative essay


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There are three ways to contact me, each with varying degrees of success:


The best option for getting in touch with me is my voice mail: (480) 731-8866, Box # 13573.

This is a box available through the district, so I don't have a beeper or anything that tells me I have a message there. If you leave a message, please be sure you leave a phone number where you will be the whole day, in case I do not get the message until the evening. I usually check the box once a day.


The second best option for contacting me is to use my email address: kshehi@student.gc.maricopa.edu

Keep in mind this is my address at school, and I will not get any messages sent here until the next class period. If you need more immediate attention, please use the voice mail.


The third option for getting to me is through the school office. The number is (623) 845-3625. The secretary will leave a message in my folder. Remember that I am only on campus the days of class, and I often only check my mail folder once a week, so if you need a more immediate response, be sure to use the voice mail.