Johnston Homepage
Welcome! Glad you came! Sign my guestbook and let me know you were here!

If you are a student, I have a link below for you to get to the class information. I will update the schedule on that link every week.

I also have links for my adoption story and the photo album (which actually appears in more than one page).

Feel free to check out any of the links with my story or pictures, but there are also links especially for adoptees for helpful search starters, articles and discussions about adoption, reunion and recovery.

These pages are almost ALWAYS in progress as I find more links and more articles to share--so come back often! Feel free to email me--I'm always glad to hear that someone has seen my page!

Check 'em out!
My adoption/reunion This is my other homepage. It is in progress--I'm adding my adoption story--so come back often!
My photo album! Pictures of my family and birthfamily--always under construction!
My personal page This page includes my opinions--including favorite books, movies, etc. that I have seen. Strictly stuff family would appreciate!
102 STUDENTS GO HERE!! This is links you to the syllabus for the ENG 102
Adoption articles Great place for up-to-date articles and information
Search starters Volunteer Search Network--folks who will do the legwork for a search for free
Search help LOTS of links and helpful articles for searching, finding, reuniting, etc.
Mom's Online Great place for parents--chat, message boards, experts,!
Veggie Tales Veggie Tales
This links you to the Syllabus for ENG 101

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