
The best option is to call my voice mail: (480) 731-8866, box # 13573 This is a box maintained by the district offices, so I don't have a beeper or any other means of knowing I have a message. Be sure to leave your name and number where you will be all day, in case I am unable to get back to you until the evening or the next day. |
The second best option is to email me at: kshehi@student.gc.maricopa.edu Keep in mind this is the address at school, so I will not get any message sent here until the next class period. If you need a response sooner than that, please call the voice mail instead. |  |

The third option is to leave a message in my mail box at school. The phone number for the secretary is: (623) 845-3625 Or you could take a message by the 05 building on campus (the same building as the bookstore) for the secretary to put in my box. Again, this is on campus, so I won't get the message until the next class period AT THE EARLIEST. |