1. Always double space your paper--from the first words to the last source.
2. Margins are stanardized in most word processors--if you have to set them, they should be 1 1/4
inch on all sides (including bottom). Also, the tabs should be set at 1 inch.
3. Use this heading, on the left margin, double spaced
Your name
Class name
My name
Date you are turning the paper
4. One double space down from the date, center a title. The title is NOT bold,
NOT underlined, NOT in ALL CAPS and NOT in a fancy script.
Use plain text.
5. Use a header. Above the top margin, flush to the right write your last name and the page
number, beginning on the first page and continuing through to the works cited pages.
6. Use Widow/Orphan protection. The rule is "at last two lines of type at the top and bottom
of every page." That is not two sentences--two lines of type. If necessary, start a new page a little sooner to
avoid left over lines at the bottom or top of a page.
7. Begin each new paragrah with one tab in from the left margin. The tab should be set if you
are using a relatively current word processor. If you have to set the tabs yourself, you should indent each paragraph
one inch.
Click the picture below to see a basic model of what your paper should look like. Remember to
use the widow/orphan protection, and the header.