The first, and best, method for contacting me is to call my voice mail at: (480) 731-8866, box # 13573 This
is a box maintained by the District offices, and I do not have a beeper or any other notification about the status of a message
there. If you need to have a call back from me, please leave the number where you will be for the rest of the day, or tell
me the best times to call, so that if I don't check my messages until the end of the day, I will still be able to contact
The third method of contact is through the school office at: (623) 845-3625 where you may leave a message that will
be placed in my mail slot. Keep in mind that this is through the campus, which means that I will not get the message at least
until the next class period. Also, be advised that I usually only check that slot once per week, so if you need a more immediate
response than this, please use the voice mail box.