Library Searches
Comma review
Library Searches
If Not Higher
Checksheet for Research
Avoiding Plagiarism
Works Cited
Intext Citation
Thesis Statements
Dos and Don'ts
Logical Fallacies
Said Article exercise
Review Questions for Country People and Husband
A Doll's House Review
Re-Write it Right
Unclear Sentences
Why Do Clocks Run Clockwise?
Spell Checker Poem
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Organizing in Time Order
Organizing in Emphatic Order
Organizing in Time and Emphatic order

The following exercise is a very generic step-by-step worksheet that forces you to use some of the different parts of the library web site.  Use the LMC (library/media center) homepage to complete the searches and fill in the information asked for.  Be sure when you are completing the exercise that you 1) have "all locations" selected in the book search and 2) that you are in the correct search for the question being asked (don't look for a book in the articles search).

1.                  Please locate the following articles.  Fill in the missing information.

a.                  For what magazine was the article "Swallowed up by the Net" by Mark Clayton written and when?

b.                 An article written by Peter Buerhaus titled "A Nursing Shortage Like None Before" appeared in what magazine when?

c.                  What magazine published the article "Damn the Torpedoes!  Full Speed Ahead" by Brent Schlender and Alynda Wheat?  When?

2.                  Find the following books.  Please complete the missing information.

a.                  Gearing up for the Fast Lane:  New Tools for Management in a High-Tech World When was it written? by whom?  What college(s) have it?  What is the call number?

b.                  Les Lloyd edited a book titled Technology and Teaching.  What is the topic of this book?  What college(s) have it?  what is the call number?

c.                  What book by Jeffrey P. Baker is about Incubators?  What is the title?  What college(s) have it?  what is the call number?

3.                 Answer the questions:

a.         At the site: http://www.coe.uh.edu Who is/are the publishers?  How credible is the source?

b.                  What is the title of this site: http://www.ce.gatech.edu/WWW-CE/home.html Who is the author/host?  When was it written?

c.                  Based on the site: http://www.accp.com/index.html What do the letters ACCP stand for?  What is ACCP?  What is their mission?

This exercise is not meant to be "tricky."  It is an academic exercise meant to get you familiar with the different parts of the LMC web page.  If you are having trouble finding something, it is probably because you are mistyping something, are in the incorrect database or have misunderstood the question.  Read it very carefully!  If you have any problems or questions ASK!
Feel free to copy and paste this exercise into a Word program to be completed and then printed.
The link below will take you to the LMC homepage to begin your work.

Link to the Library/Media Center homepage