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When you use information from a source, you need to tell the reader where the information came from. Even if you summarize
or paraphrase--where you have used your own words--the idea is not yours, so you need to cite the information. The
MLA format for in-text citation involves matching the citation in the essay to the Works Cited page. (To see how to create
a Works Cited page, please see the MLA link.) After the information from a source is used in an essay, add a parenthetical
note with the word that you have alphabetized the source under on the Works Cited page. This gives the reader a reference
to look for. Below are some samples of in-text citation:
Summary: Computers represent the fastest growing field of technology in existence today. Andy Grove, Chairman of
Intel corporation, estimated that by the next millennium, personal computer sales will have reached 100 million units, surpassing
both automobiles and television monitors in total sales (Grove 4). With the tremendous growth in computer population, an
overwhelming number of job openings and positions have now been created in this enlarging field. Paraphrase/Quote
combination: Where conventional means have failed in children with learning disabilities, computerized teaching
programs have shown success. Frederick Bennett, Ph.D. chose to address the topic of computes in education with his book,
Computers as Tutors: Solving the Crisis in Education. In his book, Bennett notes: "Computerized education will bring
an improvement of gargantuan value for the nation and for millions of individuals: better education for slower students who
suffer the worst deprivations under the present system" (24). He believes that computers offer the perfect solution
for the United States' failing education systems. Computer based teaching aids can offer what teachers cannot, a stylized
one-on-one teaching environment that can continually appraise a student's progress (Bennett 30).