There are different types of sources to be found on the computer. Please be sure you know which type of source you are dealing
with before trying to figure out how to cite it. NOTE: This system does not offer format style changes--underlining
or indents. So words that should be underlined have a _before and another after_ the terms that should appear in underline,
and remember that there should be a hanging indent at the beginning of the second and subsequent lines of each source.
FULLTEXT DATABASES: Anderson, Kent and Jerold F. Lucey. "Pediatrics Electronic Pages: Looking Back and
Looking Ahead." _Pediatrics_ July 1998. _MasterFILE Premier_. EBSCOHost. 24 July 2000. Verma, Anil. "Day-O:
A Jamaican Journey." _India Currents_ 30 Nov. 1997: 48+. _Ethnic NewsWatch_. CD-ROM. Feb 1998. ONLINE
SOURCES: 1. For traditional text that is reproduced online, use the standard MLA form for the article, followed
by the date it was accessed and then the address. For an online newspaper article: Specter, Michael. "Control
of Grozny Eludes Russian Troops." _New York Times_ 12 Aug. 1996. 13 May 1998
For an online book: Keats, John. _Poetical Works_. 1884. _Project Bartleby_. Ed. Steven vanLeeuwen. May
1998. Columbia U. 5 May 1998 2. Sources that originate online should
include these basics when possible: author, subject/title, publication name, year/month/day of publication, the date of access,
and the online address. Hartman, Brian. "Buchanan Supporters: Say it Ain't So, Pat." _PoliticsNow_
12 Aug. 1996. 18 Jan. 1997 Shaumann, Thomas Michael. "Re:
Technical German." Online posting. 5 Aug 1994. 7 Sept. 1994 <> When
in doubt about what type of source you have or how to cite it--ask!